The toy is nice, and well made. But Webkinz site. After all that is why we bought the toy to begin with. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll take a few steps back. You should have seen it. There was a daughter at the kitchen table with her new Webkinz toy. She had it all set up. The laptop and Webkinz site logged on, her new Webkinz animal facing the monitor. Every thing was laid out perfectly and ready for some fun and a adventure. Anyone could see her joy. Things where going very well, and we where happy to see her really enjoy herself and gain some understanding on the computer to boot. But soon problems began. Earned items began to vanish. webkinz dollars began to go missing. Log offs and drops became more and more common. Games would lock up or parts of the game would freeze. Bad site? So as other have stated, that picture of our happy little girl, as you can see, began to shrink and get smaller and smaller. Those sounds of joy changed. and that picture began to be replaced by a look and feeling of frustrating. She began to feel, as most would feel, frustrating. To say the least, we were very disappointing by technical problems that seem to only increase as the site becomes more popular. And customer Service is "REALLY" none existent other then a drop down list of questions and answers. And it is limiting in it's uselessness. We have even found that the email system seems to be designed to be a number of loops to keep customers from contacting them. The point goes on and on. But with out getting to long here, the site has a feeling of bug ridden and has many problems. And Ganz, the parent company of Webkinz, doesn't seem to care. We have contacted them 4 times by phone and twice by email. No replay as of this review. All in all I would say the toys are well made but the site has problems. Maybe it is a great way to teach kids how to deal with disappointing feelings that get bigger and bigger as they look into a none responsive screen as parents try to make it feel better.
Sell by : http://astore.amazon.com/jakkstoyshop-20
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