Before owning Cranium my favorite board game was Pictionary, which led to no small dillema--no one would ever play it with me because, quite simply, I would wipe the board with them. Ego trip? Yes. Family fun and togetherness? No. And so as not to cast my friends and family souly in the role of Sore Loser let me add that you wouldn't catch me dead playing Trivial Pursuit against my brainy brother. And then it happened--Cranium, the game that evened the playing field, the game that, as it states on the box, uses all areas of the brain. By combining areas of logic, trivia, creativity, and, well, making a fool of yourself Cranium leaves no one out, not even your friend who couldn't spell "Tuesday" if his life depended on it, much less spell it backwards. And you'll be laughing so hard as you watch Uncle Ned pantomome Madonna you won't even notice his team just took the lead. Great for parties and family get-togethers, this game sends everyone home happy, which is saying a lot from my crowd.
Sell by : http://jakkstoy.blogspot.com/
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